Where to Take Up Massage Education
Wish to study massage therapy? Well, thousands of people throughout the world decided to study massage therapy today for a number of reasons. One of their reasons perhaps is the fact that massage therapy has a lot of benefits to offer, not to mention the fact that it does help to make you feel better and free from pain, tension, and stress. Whatever benefits of massage therapy there may be, I agree that a massage education is worth taking.
Now, if you also agree with me and you really have that passion on you to share what touch can do for general health and well being, I bet you would be happy to know that massage education is highly available anywhere in the world these days. Yes, you heard me right, a massage education is offered anywhere in the United States and the world.
So if you are currently searching for certain schools or campuses to take and complete your massage education, then this page is certainly right for you. I have mentioned below some of the most well-known massage schools in the United States that you might be interested in. So check out the following:
Cortiva Institute – Chicago School of Massage Therapy
The Cortiva Institute – Chicago School of Massage Therapy was founded in 1981 by a person named Robert King, who happened to be a massage therapist. Since 1981, it is said that this school has devoted itself on raising the standards of massage education. This devotion stems from their belief that science and technique alone aren’t enough and a comprehensive approach to massage education can be great tool to consider as it both incorporates science and spirit. With that belief, the Cortiva Institute – Chicago School of Massage Therapy is able to prepare their students for passionate and successful practices in a number of different fields. And, it’s nice to know that this institution was able to produce more than 3000 graduates and about 80 instructors of massage education.
Colorado School of Healing Arts
One of the most respected institutions in the entire Colorado area that offer massage education for those who wish to study the power of touch is the Colorado School of Healing Arts. Also, known as CSHA, the school was founded in 1986 and has maintained a massage education curriculum coupled with an unwavering commitment to both science and art of massage since then. Perhaps what’s great about this massage therapy school is that it has well-trained and educated faculty who do the training for the students taking up the CSHA massage education. This faculty is the one who provide skilled structured and safe touch to their students in a fostering environment.
The CORE Institute
Located in Florida, the Core Institute is but another great place to take up a massage education. This school is highly dedicated to advancing massage therapy, so what they did to make this happen is that they tried and succeeded in promoting excellence in somatic massage education through professional and loving touch. Just like the other massage schools, CORE has maintained its own curriculum, philosophy and objectives to help their students succeed in their chosen field.
Several other schools are out there in the US to give you a chance to take and complete your massage education. However, the schools differ according greatly according to requirements and the overall management, so it better to do research first about the school of your interest before considering on studying massage therapy there. Be sure to know first the general rules and regulations of the school and know whether the school is right for you or not, or if they are great enough to meet your specific needs. Think before you decide. That’s the point!